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Messaging MISEbox to Your Employees
Messaging MISEbox to Your Employees

Understand the value of messaging MISEbox to your employees before implementation, with suggested language and a schedule.

Updated over a week ago

The Basics

First impressions are very important. When you are confident and clear about how MISEbox adds value to your employee's work experience, they will gladly use the information you're providing because it is meaningful and relevant to them.

The biggest motivator for your employees is money.

"You can't pay your rent in hugs!" - Mr. Dana. We know that with better information, your team can sell more. For the team, more sales = more tips. Those not yet in a sales role will be able to more effectively support the sales team and have the opportunity to grow into more advanced positions in your company (which usually means more money!).

Collaboration is Key

Making the process feel collaborative between managers and employees will help ensure employees are engaged with MISEbox. If your employees feel like this is something they need to do “because I said so," they won't see the value and won't even bother. However, if your employees feel like this is something you're doing with and for them, they will be excited to use (and help you improve) the information about your restaurant.

Pre-Onboarding Messaging

We recommend that you start mentioning MISEbox two weeks ahead of onboarding your employees. Talking about it at pre-shift meetings and then following up through email is effective. Feel free to use or adapt the following language below. You can also use this time to ask you team what they might want to see in MISEbox, keeping that in mind after we go live.

Two Weeks Out

Keep it simple and high-level. If your employees have questions, they will certainly ask.

"In two weeks, we will launch a new platform called MISEbox. We have all experienced asking a question only to get different answers from different people. With MISEbox, all of the information about our restaurant will be in one place so that we are all on the same page. When in doubt, the answer will be on MISEbox. 

You'll find information about the food and beverage we offer, information about our company, policies, and more. Most importantly, you'll have access to this information when needed without looking for an old packet or handbook. We'll share more information and specifics next week, but if you have any questions, please ask!"

One Week Out

Ensure your employees know that MISEbox lives and breathes alongside your operation. We do our best to help you get as much information into the system during implementation; Once you’re live, there is an opportunity to add new guides, service standards, background information about suppliers and sourcing, and so much more. Be honest with them about what is available now and what you intend to add as time goes on — and most importantly, seek and respond to their feedback about the information they need to succeed at their jobs.

"We told you last week that MISEbox will be a resource for you to find information that will make working here even better. We have done our best to get as much information into the system as possible, including menu items, producers & purveyors, cooking terms, and policies & procedures. Please know that this is a work in progress. While we intend to provide you with all the information you need to love working here and to perform your work even more excellently, we know that you won't find every answer to every question quite yet, but that is the goal we are working towards.

MISEbox is a resource for you to use whether you want to know the details of a particular wine or if you're curious about the benefits that we offer. Please let us know if you think that there is a mistake, something that isn't quite right, or if you couldn’t find something that you were looking for. At the end of the day, we are all here to make money and make people happy. That's why we decided to integrate MISEbox into our daily operations. 

Next week we will start giving all of you access to MISEbox. Please bring your cell phones with you to pre-shift so that we can make sure your sign-up goes smoothly. It takes about two minutes per person and is really easy." 

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