Before you get started here, it might be helpful to check out the article on the Activation Process. If you're having trouble with a new employee's activation, it's likely caused by one of two issues we explain there.
1: Filter
Go to your Our Team page and select Manage Employees from the sidebar expansion options.
From the Status filter, choose "Terminated" to see all of your former employees.
2: Activate
After you find the employee you're bringing back, select "Activate Employee" from their gear.
3: Update
You'll want to validate with your employee that their contact information is the same. Then, add their Position and Role as you normally would for a new employee. Then, Activate!
4: Employee Verification
MISEbox will send a verification text, then an email whether or not they change their contact information,
Your employee will need to validate both of these to complete the activation.
As with adding a new employee, we strongly encourage you to do this alongside the employee to ensure everything goes right.
Check out these steps to resolve the most common issues.
You can always reach out to us for assistance using the in-app chat.