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Reactivating a Terminated Employee

When a former employee comes back, you can reactivate their account in a few steps

Updated over a year ago


Before you get started here, it might be helpful to check out the article on the Activation Process. If you're having trouble with a new employee's activation, it's likely caused by one of two issues we explain there.

1: Filter

Go to your Our Team page and select Manage Employees from the sidebar expansion options.

From the Status filter, choose "Terminated" to see all of your former employees.

2: Activate

After you find the employee you're bringing back, select "Activate Employee" from their gear.

3: Update

You'll want to validate with your employee that their contact information is the same. Then, add their Position and Role as you normally would for a new employee. Then, Activate!

4: Employee Verification

MISEbox will send a verification text, then an email whether or not they change their contact information,

  • Your employee will need to validate both of these to complete the activation.

As with adding a new employee, we strongly encourage you to do this alongside the employee to ensure everything goes right.

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